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Film Set

About the Festival 

Toronto Teen Film Festival brings youth aged 12-19 years old together through stories created by them, for them. Each year, teen filmmakers submit a self-made film between 2-15 minutes in length. The winning films will be screened at an in-person event on June 2nd in Toronto. 


The festival's objective is to encourage and celebrate young people’s stories and storytelling. By participating in the festival, teens will learn skills, grow their talents, and meet peers. This festival is meant to be as accessible as possible.


With the success of the inaugural festival in May 2023, the Toronto Teen Film Festival is becoming a formal non profit organization with a volunteer Board of Directors. 


We are all excited for Festival 2024!


Submissions are now closed. 

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My Story

My name is Dafna and I'm currently in grade 12. I love films and going to the cinema. After high school graduation, I want to study film and eventually work in the industry. Due to my interest in films, I am always looking for opportunities for me to be involved in the industry. There are too few.  That is why I have decided to create my a film festival to forge new opportunities for young filmmakers and film lovers. 


Moving into our second year, I hope the festival will continue for many years to come. Join me on this journey. 


More About the TTFF

This organization's goal is to encourage youth to learn and experience more about movies and the industry. Along with the main festival where submitted films will be screened, we will offer year-long programmes and workshops in the future. So let's stay connected throughout the year. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.




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